Minggu, 15 April 2012


1. Tipe If Clause

(1) it is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
form : if + Simple Present, will-Future, example : If I meet her, I’ll ask her for diner
(2) It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
form : if + Simple Past, past future (= would + Infinitive), example : if I found her address, I would send her an invitation
(3) It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past..
Form: if + Past Perfect, past future perfect (= would + have + Past Participle), example If I had worked harder, I would have had a car.

2. Tipe wish 

Type 1. mengenai kejadian nyata
Dalam tipe 1, if clause dalam present tense, sedangkan main clause biasanya dalam bentuk present, future, atau imperative.

Type 2
Type 2 .is concerned with hypothetical or unreal situations in the present. (berkaitan dengan khayalan atau situasi yang tidak nyata saat ini.)

Type 3
Type 3 .is concerned with hypothetical discussion about the past

3. Fungsi dari masing-masing tipe :

Type 1.
Dalam tipe 1, if clause dalam present tense, sedangkan main clause biasanya dalam bentuk present, future, atau imperative.

Type 2
Type 2 .is concerned with hypothetical or unreal situations in the present. (berkaitan dengan khayalan atau situasi yang tidak nyata saat ini.)

Type 3
Type 3 .is concerned with hypothetical discussion about the past.

10 contoh kalimat pengandaian:
1. If I got the money,would buy you the comic. Fact: Idon't get the money so Idon't buy you the comic.
2. If my mother prepared the break fast, we would eat it. fact : Mother doesn’t prepare the breakfast so we don't eat it.
3. Father would pick me if I asked him. fact : Father doesn’t pickme because Idon't ask him.
4. If the teacher didn’t come we would be happy. fact : The Teacher comes so we aren't be happy.
5. The teacher would give us the test if we were ready. fact : The teacher doesn't give us the test because we aren’t ready.
6. If he had visited me, I would have been happy (Hedidn·t visitedme so I wasn't happy).
7. If they had not attended the meting, they wouldn’t have gotten the information.
(They attended the meting, they got the information.)
8. I would have been late if I hadn't gotten up early( I wasn't late because I got up early).
9. If she had written the letter, I would have replied it. fact : She didn't write the letter so I didn't reply it
10.I wish he comes to my house. (he didn't come to my house)


Selasa, 10 April 2012


1. Definisi conditional sentences

Conditional sentence (kalimat pengandaian) adalah kalimat – kalimat yang mengatakan suatu harapan atau gambaran suatu lamunan dalam bentuk “kalimat bersyarat”.
Pada umumnya kalimat pengandaian terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu “main clause“ dan “if clause“. Di dalam “if clause“ terkandung syarat- syarat yang harus dipenuhi atas keadaan seperti terkandung dalam main clause dapat terwujud. Karena itu disebut juga kalimat bersyarat.

2.  Dalam Bahasa Inggris terdapat tiga bentuk (tipe) Conditional Sentences.
1. Tipe Pertama (Future Real Condition)
Bentuk pertama dari Conditional disebut Probable Conditional atau real condition yang artinya bahwa sesuatu akan mungkin terjadi pada waktu yang akan dating ataupun sekarang kalau syaratnya terpenuhi.

Rumus : If + Subject Present + Subject + Future Tense
Atau : Subject + Future Tense, if + Subject +Future Tense

Example :

If Bertha comes, I will give her the message.
Jika Bertha datang, saya akan sampaikan pesan itu padanya.

If we arrive late, he will be angry with us.
Jika kita datang terlambat, dia akan marah kepada kita.

He will not go to the picnic if it rains.
Dia tidak akan pergi piknik jika hari hujan.

2. Tipe Kedua (Present – Unreal Conditional)
Bentuk kedua dari Conditional disebut Improbable Condition, yang artinya bahwa kejadian tersebut bertentangan dengan yang sebenarnya, karena ini merupakan lamuan/khayalan saja (contrary-fact).

Rumus : If + Subject + Simple Past….+ Subject + Would + Verb1
Atau : Subject + Would + Verb….If + Subject + Simple Past

Example :

If I were rich, I would give my money to the poor.
Seandainya saya kaya, saya akan memberikan uang saya pada orang miskin. ( makna sesungguhnya adalah “I am not rich“ dan saya tidak mungkin bias memberi uang pada orang miskin).

If he smokes less, he wouldn’t cough so much.
Seandainya dia mengurangi merokok, maka dia tidak akan batuk terus. ( makna sesungguhnya “he smokes much“ maka dia akan batuk terus).

Dalam pengandaian tipe dua ini, penggunaan kata “if“ bias dihilangkan dengan menggunakan pola inversion. Inversion adalah bentuk lamunan dengan penghilangan kata “if“, yaitu :

Example :

Were he here, he would take care of our problem.
Seandainya dia ada di sini, maka dia akan membantu menyelesaikan masalah. ( makna sesungguhnya “he isn’t here” dan dia tidak akan pernah habis membantu menyelesaikan masalah).

Were I movie star, I would be very famous.
Seandainya saya seorang bintang, saya akan terkenal. ( maka saya sesungguhnya bukan seorang bintang “I am not a movie star” dan saya tidak terkenal).

3. Tipe Ketiga (Past – Unreal Conditionl)
Tipe ketiga menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang bertentangan di masa lampau dan tidak ada harapan akan terlaksana karena merupakan lamunan masa lalu (impossible condition).

Rumus : If + Subject + Past Perfect….+ Subject + Would + Have + Past Participle
Subject + Would + Have + Past Participle. If + Subject + Past Perfect….

Example :

If I had known her number, I would have called her.
Seandainya saya tahu nomor teleponnya saya akan meneleponnya. (Makna sesungguhnya adalah “I didn’t know her telephone number” dan saya tidak pernah meneleponnya).

She could have finished the exam, if she had more time.
Dia akan dapat menyelesaikan ujiannya, seandainya dia memiliki banyak waktu. (Makna sesungguhnya “she didn’t have enoughtime” dan dia tidak bias menyelesaikan ujiannya).
Dalam pengandaian tipe tiga ini, penggunaan kata “if” dapat dihilangkan dengan menggunakan pola kalimat inverse, yaitu:
Had + Subject + Past Perfect + Subject + Would + Have + Past Perfect
Contoh :

Had I gone to the party, I would have met her.
Seandainya saya pergi ke pesta itu, saya akan bertemu dengannya. ( Makna sesungguhnya saya tidak pergi ke pesta itu. “I didn’t go to the party” dan saya tidak akan pernah bertemu dengannya).

3. Contoh kalimat conditional sentences

  1. If I don't eat breakfast, I will always get hungry during class.
  2. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go on picnic.
  3. If you had told me about the problem , I would have helped you.
  4. If they had studied, they would have passed the exam.
  5. If Bertha comes, I will give her the message.
  6. If we arrive late, he will be angry with us.
  7. He will not go to the picnic if it rains.
  8. If I were rich, I would give my money to the poor.
  9. If he smokes less, he wouldn’t cough so much
  10. Were he here, he would take care of our problem


10 kalimat passive berbentuk negatif:
  1. Ray isn’t helped by Ade
  2. The paper isn’t cut by Merry
  3. A ceremony is not held by somebody
  4. The movies were not watched by them yesterday
  5. You were not shown the sights.
  6. The house was not built by me.
  7. He will not have been shown the sights.
  8. We should not be shown the sights.
  9. The cat was not kicked by me
  10. The motorcycle is not driven by him
10 contoh kalimat pasif berbentuk kalimat tanya
  1. Is The King of Majapahit built the castle?
  2. Is that girl who kicking me?
  3. Is cake eaten by her?
  4. Were they watched the movies last sunday?
  5. Were you shown the sights?
  6. Were the project worked by them this month?
  7. Is the car driven by him?
  8. Is Andy riding the bicycle?
  9. Were the concert successed last nigh?
  10. were they finished the papers this month?


1. Definisi intransitive verb
Intransitive verb adalah kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan objek atau pelengkap penderita.

2. kategori kata kerja intransitive

- Kata kerja intransitif yang mana saja, yang membuat pengertian lengkap dengan sendirinya, dan tidak memerlukan kata atau kata-kata apa saja untuk ditambahkan padanya untuk maksud ini, disebut intransitive verbs of complete predication.
Cows walk,
horses run, dsb.
Intransitive verb with complement (kata kerja intransitif dengan komplemen)

-Kata-kata kerja intransitif yang tidak membuat pengertian yang lengkap dengan sendirinya, tetapi memerlukan komplemen, disebut intransitive verbs of incomplete predication.
Komplemen untuk kata kerja intransitif dalam bentuk yang sama jenisnya seperti komplemen untuk kata kerja transitif.

-Kata kerja intransitif kadang-kadang boleh diikuti oleh kata benda yang sedikit banyak telah dinyatakan secara tidak langsung dalam kata kerja itu sendiri.
Jadi kita boleh mengatakan “He has lived a happy life” (ia hidup bahagia). Kata benda “life” (kehidupan) telah dinyatakan secara tidak langsung dalam kata kerja “lived” (hidup), dan sebenarnya merupakan bagian dari artinya.
Objek yang demikian disebut cognate object, karena kata benda yang menunjuk padanya merupakan arti yang sama terhadap kata kerja itu sendiri.

3. Contoh 
1. The sun rises in the East every morning
2. Water freezes at 1000C.
3. Water flows from higher to lower places
.4. He has lived a happy life
5. I slept a sound sleep
6. She went a long way
7. Cows walk
8. Horses run
9. Birds fly
10. The man ran a course of great risk

Senin, 09 April 2012


1. Definisi Transitive Verb

Transitive Verb Yaitu kata kerja yang memerlukan object untuk menyempurnakan arti kalimat atau melengkapi makna kalimat.

2. kategori kata kerja transitive verb

1. Noun (kata benda)
2. Pronoun (kata ganti)
3. Infinitive (infinitif)
4. Gerund (kata kerja yang dibendakan)
5. Phrase (ungkapan)
6. Clause (anak kalimat)

3. 10 contoh
1.  He killed a snake 
2.  That snake bit her
3.  He desires to success 
4.  He disliked hunting 
5.  She doesn’t know how to make things go
6.  We don’t know what she wants
7.  I always buy a newspaper
8.  I’ve heard that Mr Hasan has written a book
9.  I like watching television 
10. She’s going to get some money at the bank

Tugas6 Passive Voice

1. Definisi  Passive Voice

Kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya bukan pelaku suatu tindakan. Si subjek adalah si penerima akibat dari sebuah tindakan.

2. Mengubah Kalimat Aktif Menjadi Kalimat Pasif

a. Pertukarkanlah subyek dengan objek
b. Ubahlah awalan pada predikat, yaitu mengubah awalan me- dengan di-
c. Tambahkan kata tugas oleh di depan objek, terutama jika objek terpisah oleh kata lain dari predikat.

3. Contoh

Active : He meets them everyday.
Passive : They are met by him everyday.

Active : She waters this plant every two days.
Passive : This plant is watered by her every two days.

Active : She watered this plant this morning
Passive : This plant was watered by her this morning

Active : She has watered this plant for 5 minutes.
Passive : This plant has been watered by her for 5 minutes.

Active : He had met them before I came.
Passive : They had been met by him before I came.


Minggu, 08 April 2012

Tugas5 10 contoh kalimat gerunds

10 contoh kalimat gerunds:

1. I like reading
2. I enjoy listening to the radio
3. I don't like sitting alone
4. Thank you for your coming
5. Her singing is slow
6. Iam tired of studying alone
7. I enjoy riding my bike in the evening
8. I enjoy dancing
9. I am fond of eating burger.
10. I am not smoking


Tugas4 ciri - ciri Gerunds

Ciri- ciri Gerunds

Gerund sebagai subjek pokok kalimat, contoh:
- Swimming is good service.
- Your singing is very beautiful.
- Studying needs time and patience.
- Playing tennis is fun.
- Reading English is easier than speaking it.

Subjective Complement
Gerund sebagai pelengkap subjek dalam kalimat biasanya selalu didahului to be yang terletak di antara subject dan subjective complement, contoh:
- My favorite sport is running.
- My favorite activity is reading.

Direct Object
Gerund sebagai objek langsung dalam kalimat, contoh:
- I enjoy dancing.
- She likes dancing.
- Thank you for your coming.
- I hate arguing.

Object of Preposition
Gerund sebagai objek preposisi yang terletak setelah preposisi. Preposisi yang sering dipakai adalah of, on, no, with, without, at for, after, before, because of, to, like, about, for, by, in.
- He is tired of gambling.
- I am fond of eating bakso.
- He insisted on seeing her.
- I have no objection to hearing your story.
- You will not be clever without studying.
- They are good at telling funny stories.
- In sleeping I met you in the park.

Gerund sebagai aposisi atau penegas dalam kalimat, contoh:
- My hobby, fishing, is interesting.
- I do not like quarrelling, a useless job.
My hobby is fishing dan fishing is interesting diletakkan bersebelahan dalam sebuah kalimat sebagai appositive (fishing adalah aposisi dari my hobby), begitu juga contoh kalimat dibawahnya.



Gerund adalah kata benda yang berasal dari kata kerja ditambah -ing, misalnya swimming, eating, fishing, shoping, dancing, dan singing. bila diperhatikan, gerund mempunyai bentuk yang sama dengan present participle, bedanya gerund berfungsi sebagai kata benda, sedangkan present participle sebagai kata sifat yang menerangkan kata benda.

Sabtu, 07 April 2012



1.The employees responsible for carrying out general office duties, filling in forms and keeping statistics are...
a clerks b accountants c supervisors

2.The employees who sell a company's products are the sales representatives, usually known as ………..
a vendors b renters c reps

3.The employees who decide what to purchase, and who make the purchases of finished goods or components to be made into goods, are the ………..
a choosers b procurers c buyers

4. The employees who are responsible for seeing that the finished goods are well made are the
a packers b quality controllers c financial staff

5. The clerical workers who use typewriters or word processors and who produce letters, memos or othe documents, are ...........
a secretaries b editors c copywriters

6. The employees who check a company's financial affairs are the ............
a statisticians b accountants c counters

7.The employees who are responsible for preparing checks, pay packets and pay slips are the ............
a wages clerks b filing clerks c paying clerks

8. The workers who process data, under the control of managers and supervisors, are the computer …….
a hackers b operators c screeners

9.The person who greets a visitor and tells him or her how to get to the right office is the ..........
a manager b president c receptionist

10. The employees who deal with a company's telephone calls are the
a VDU operators b telex operators c switchboard operators

11.The Board of ......is responsible for deciding on and controlling the strategy of a corporation or company.
a Workers b Directors c Control

12. Small businesses depend on investors providing ………capital.
a venture b individual c cooperative

13. Investors are influenced by the projected ………. on their capital.
a market b return c rate

14. The capital needed to run a business is provided by ...........
a gain b risk c investment

15. Rent and rates, which do not change as turnover volume changes, make up the .......costs of a company.
a fixed b contribution c variable

Choosing The Words In The Box

1. Problems in programs are caused by (j. Bugs)

2. Silicon (a. Chips) contain a set of integrated circuits, reduced to a very small size.

3. Obtaining (a. Information) is done by (b. Processing) data.

4. Software produces images which can appear on the screen as (i. Graphics)

5. Memory that is permanent, cannot be written to, and can only be read, is (i. ROM)

6. Memory into which information can be loaded and from which data can be read, is (d. Files)

7. Operators (c. Load) into the computer's memory a program that they want to use.

8. Analysing ways of doing things, and of improving them, is done by(l. Systems) analysts.

9. "What you see is what you get" explains (h. WYSIWYG)

10. A single disk can contain a large number of different (b. RAM)

11. (k. Controls) can carry out instructions or operations when certain conditions occur.

12. The operators (m. scroll) lines of text up the screen, so that a new line appears at the bottom and the top line disappears.

Tugas1 ( Reported Speech )

Reported Speech

Reported Speech atau Kalimat Laporan adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk melaporkan apa kata orang lain dengan memasukkannya dalam kalimat yang kita buat sendiri. Kalimat laporan ini sering juga disebut dengan Kalimat Tak Langsung. Perhatikan penjelasannya di bawah ini:


1. Statement

Pada penggunaan jenis kalimat ini, kata sambung yang kita gunakan adalah that. Namun kata ini bisa dipakai atau boleh juga tidak dipakai.

Perhatikan dialog berikut ini:

Alex : I am a student.
Bob : What did Alex say, Andy?
Andy : Alex said that he was a student.

Apa yang diucapkan Andy adalah kalimat tak langsung, karena Andy mengulang apa yang diucapkan Alex kepada Bob.
Karena bersifat pengulangan dan Alex berkata demikian beberapa saat yang lalu (sebelum Bob bertanya) maka Tenses yang digunakan harus dalam bentuk Past.
George said,” My mother will go to Bali today.”
George said (that) his mother would go to Bali today.

Perubahan hari dan tempat sangat tergantung pada situasi pada saat berbicara. Artinya dapat saja berganti, namun dapat juga tidak.
Tanda petik tidak lagi digunakan.
“I have phoned the police,” John said.
John said that he had phoned the police.

2. Request/Command

Ada 2 kelompok dalam penggunaan kalimat tidak langsung jenis ini, yaitu:
Positive Request/Command
Negative Request/Command

a. Positive Request/Command

Kalimat tak langsung jenis ini adalah kalimat permintaan atau perintah yang tidak dimulai dengan don’t, seperti open the door!, close the window!, be carefull!, dsb. Untuk kalimat jenis ini, kata sambung yang digunakan adalah to sebelum kata kerjanya.

“Close the window!”, Anton asked.
Anton asked me to close the window.
Bob said,” Be careful, my son!”
Bob asked his son to be careful.

b. Negative Request/Command

Kalimat tak langsung jenis ini adalah kalimat permintaan yang dimulai dengan don’t. Kata sambung yang digunakan adalah not to untuk menggantikan don’t.

“Don’t touch me!”, William asked.
William asked me not to touch him.
Mrs. Hunt said,” Don’t be lazy, Henry!”.
Mrs Hunt asked Henry not to be lazy.

3. Questions

Jenis ini juga memiliki 2 kelompok yaitu Yes/No Question dan Wh- Question.

a. Yes/No Questions

Yes/No Question adalah jenis pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban ya atau tidak. Kata sambung yang digunakan adalah whether atau if. Namun yang perlu diingat adalah susunan kalimat dalam kalimat tak langsungnya harus menjadi normal kembali. Artinya setelah kata whether/if, maka harus dimulai dengan Subjek, Predikat, dst. Kita dapat juga menambahkan or not pada kalimat tak langsungnya. Namun kata or not hanya mengiringi kata whether dan tidak if. Kata whether lebih sering digunakan daripada if.

Mr. Hunt asked,” Are you my new secretary?”
Mr. Hunt asked the girl whether she was his new secretary or not. - Bentuk I
Mr. Hunt asked the girl whether or not she was his new secretary. - Bentuk II
Mr. Hunt asked the girl whether she was his new secretary. - Bentuk III
“Can you pick me up?”, asked Edward.
Edward asked if I could pick him up.

b. Wh- Questions

Wh- Question adalah jenis pertanyaan yang tidak dijawab dengan ya atau tidak, melainkan sebuah pernyataan seperi How old are you, Where do you live? dsb.

Kata sambung yang digunakan adalah kata tanya itu sendiri. Susunan setelah kata tanya itu kembali seperti kalimat positif. Perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimat berikut. Tanda tanya juga harus dihilangkan.

“How old are you?”, Ahmad wanted to know.
Ahmad wanted to know How old I was. (BUKAN How old was I)
Andy asked Ted,” Where do you live?”
Andy asked Ted where he lived.



Menurut saya gambar diatas:

sangat tidak patut dicontoh. bagaimana negara ini kalau wakil rakyatnya seperti itu. disini wakil rakyat mempunyai peran penting untuk masyarakat.  seharusnya mereka menjalankan rapat dengan baik, bukannya bersantai - santai ataupun tidur karena mendapat fasilitas bagus.


Opini Gambar dibawah ini

Menurut saya tentang gambar disamping:

gubernur menganggap itu bukan banjir tapi malah menyepelekan kejadian itu, akibatnya dia sendiri yang menjadi kewelahan mengatasi banjir itu.